Thursday, August 26, 2010

"I was surprised and then I started ovulating."

Or: Why this Semester is Already Better than Last.

It's a whole 4 days into the Fall 2010 semester here in Hell (I mean...Ukiah. The two are practically indistinguishable now that summer has officially decided to begin at the end of August) and I can already tell this semester is going to be better than the last.

SO, what was the first indicator of this? At nine in the morning on Monday, I begrudgingly pulled myself to SSU classrooms and sat down in the back. After about five minutes, I realized I had gone to Linear Algebra rather than Calculus. I slunk out of the back door, but not before some kid held up a picture of The Fail Whale at me. If you don't know what The Fail Whale is, it looks like:

I know--this doesn't sound like a great start. However, it meant my math class wasn't in a cubby hole in a giant field of mud. My calc class actually meets in the science building with the comfy rolly chair and the nice, dim lighting with the nice, suspiciously asian-esque math teacher with the deep soothing voice. It passed in a sleep filled haze with the occasional interruption of my teacher talking about piecewise functions. All in all, a perfect morning.

After that I ate some health food store vegan 'ranch' salad and a Naked juice that was the color and texture of bile that had live algae in it (I know, it sounds heartily disgusting but trust me--it is wonderful. The ranch tastes just like ranch and the juice tastes like kiwi). This was about all I could stomach because of the scorching heat bearing down on me like an obese...obese thing (you find a poetic simile on five hours sleep).

After throwing some popcorn at disgruntled ducks at Lake Mendocino, it was off to Biology 250, where I was reunited with about half of my chem classmates from last semester (though, admittedly, it was the not so funny half) which was nice. My teacher is close to being a midget and has short curly hair. I have to stifle the urge to ask if she represents the lollipop guild or pick her up and just shake her until she pops every time I see her. That is how adorable she is. Cuteness aside, she is probably the most articulate lecturererererer I've had at any school, UC included. She explain everything in a clear way without making you feel like you are a moron ( when explaing why adrenaline only does one thing she blurted out, "Nobody ever says "I was surprised and then I started ovulating.""). I really look forward to having her for the rest of my AA bio.

The next day I had physics. The last time I took physics I got a D and several hours of emotional scarring over a mousetrap powered vehicle. I wasn't optimistic to say the least. My teacher came to class five minutes late and that is when I saw that his hair was longer than mine (about a foot longer). He explained that he went to Santa Cruz with Marcus (my chem prof). If you know Marcus, you know he is a really nice, cheery guy who can be your friend. He's also very useful in lab. But as far as lecturing goes, he's rather all over the place. Well, Tim explained to me sine for the first time in any way that has ever made sense in six year of trig exposure. And I was actually able to my physics homework all on my own.

It's totally refreshing to be in classes that actually feel like they are worthwhile. I'm super psyched for meeting new people and actually enjoying physics (something I never thought possible). I can only hope your semester goes this well. Be envious.

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