Tuesday, October 5, 2010

13:30 to Mars

So, I like the band 30 Seconds to Mars.

And, no it's not just because Jared Leto is gorgeous (it doesn't hurt though).

As I was trying to reinvigorate my ancient iPod (the first one ever made with color, btw, that weighs like 20 times as much as my iTouch), I found all my super old downloads from their original album ("30 Seconds to Mars"). It has a lot of good songs, but my favorite will always be "Buddha for Mary." If you haven't heard this song, I'm putting up a video of it below. Don't be weirded out by the first little bit; it changes a lot around 1:05.

I know, it's a little creepy, but I love the way it sounds. I can still remember the first time I listened to it in high school.

As I was scanning youtube for 30 Seconds to Mars musics videoes, I stumbled upon the video for "From Yesterday." I remember thinking, "Hm, this is...interesting," when I watched it a loooooong time ago. Then I noticed that they had "the full length" version of the video, which is a staggering 13 minutes and 30 seconds long (oh, how clever).

If you have the spare time and mental fortitude to watch this video, it's below. Following it will be everything that popped into my head at the corresponding time of the video. Compare notes with me (and try not to pee your pants).

So here's what I thought of this "short film."

  1. :10--Wow, that is a seriously irritating flute sound
  2. :23--OMG, that is a scarrrry dragon (or do I mean sound effect?)
  3. :43--what the hell is wrong with that guy's voice? Srsly, calm down.
  5. 1:12--For real, is the understandable portion of this video going to have Chinese subtitles?
  6. 1:25--Oh, I see, they are in a mental institution for stylish bands.
  7. 3:30--I didn't know time travel changed what clothes you were wearing.
  8. 3:50--Oh, hey the actual song is starting.
  9. 4:16--Oh man! Somebody forgot to tell Jared that his guyliner isn't waterproof.
  10. 4:49--You're being way too cavalier about seeing death.
  11. 5:16--Ugh, really, more Chinese? I hope bizarro voice isn't in it.
  12. 5:45--He is.
  13. 6:00--How does that little kid from like 600BC know 30 Seconds to Mars? Does Jared Leto really have that much money that little kids just wanna be his friend? Also, why are grown men friends with a little kid?
  14. 6:38--Two subtitle types in one scene? Say whhhhhat.
  15. 7:11--Oh, yeah. This is a music video. I almost forgot.
  16. 7:34--I do love a good spin.
  17. 7:39--Don't feel bad; sleeves are hard. You'll get it next time.
  18. 7:46--This video suddenly is more interesting to me.
  19. 7:50--Now it is not.
  20. 8:26--I can't describe how hard I am lol'ing right now.
  21. 9:08--Does money make you a ninja?
  22. 9:19--Laughing so hard, my stomach hurts.
  23. 9:24--Oh, stop, please! I can't breath.
  24. 9:29--Is 30 Seconds to Mars killing people? Is that legal?
  25. 9:35--God, this song really gets in the way, man.
  26. 9:41--Oh, look. It's "Eyes Wide Shut."
  27. 9:56--Now my stomach hurts for a different reason.
  28. 10:09--The green goblin has been hard up for work after Spider Man.
  29. 10:58--"You guys wanna go get milkshakes now we're done battling to the death?"
  30. 11:14--WTF? That's where it ends?
  31. 11:15--13:30--Credits. :(

End take on this "film"--This is a good song, but seriously--how much money did you spend on this video? China. Costumes. Make-up. Extras. Stunt people. Camera people. Sound people. I mean, okay, yeah, it is a kinda a cool concept and I guess they get points for creativity, and I can respect that. I also like most of the costumes and sets and all the visual symbolism. But it comes off a little jokey in some places, rather than like cool and mysterious. I still like 30 Seconds to Mars a lot (even if they're sound has changed a bit over time), but I think that this video tries way too hard. The shorter version is much better.

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