Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Year's Resolution

Well, it's that darling time of year again. The one wonderous week where everyone is on their best behavior because they have made some vague promises to themselves. I believe these things are "New Year's Resolutions." They are a nice thought. I like to wave good bye to them as they inevitably fall behind me during my journey through the year. I think on them fondly, especially when I break one, always vowing to get back on track tomorrow.

In the spirit of the season, I've decided to take part in this New Year tradition. Below is a list of my resolutions for 2011. See if we share any; maybe we can keep each other on track, or, at the very least, put the off until tomorrow with each other until December 31st.

Allie's Resolutions 2011
  • To finish at least one story that I have been working on.
  • To go to bed on time for school so I don't wake up feeling like I've just gone a bender and am now being forced to fill out DMV forms all day long.
  • To make memories with old friends and new friends before I am too busy to have a life.
  • To study o-chem for the coming year.
  • To keep my new fish alive for longer the four months (miss you, Oro. I am sorry I killed you)
  • To relax a little more and enjoy the little things without worrying about being on schedule

These are all I can think of right now. I'm congested and have cold brain, so thinking is extremely difficult today anyway. Wish us both luck on keeping our resolutions. Let's have a classy 2011.

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