Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Day 4: A picture of your favorite night


If you couldn't tell, this was taken at Pier 39 in San Francisco. What you obviously can't tell is that this was taken in January of 2007 and that prior to snapping the picture I was doing a very fancy dance which, at the time, Ryan still found "cute." Ah, the innocence of youth. Anyway, we were in San Francisco that day because that Christmas I had received a lot of concert tickets as a gift from my mom. On this occasion, we were going to see Fall Out Boy.

That meant a lot in 2007, because Fall Out Boy had just become ridiculously popular due to "From Under the Cork Tree" and "Infinity on High." I was quite excited because I had liked FOB for a long time before this and I had never been able to see them live before.

We went to SF early that day and played around at the Pier for a while. We tried on silly hats and watched the sea lions roll around like big blubber balls. We took this one picture right as we were leaving.

We got in the car and promptly got lost for the next two hours. We called everyone we knew trying to figure out where the hell we were and how to get back to Market Street. Finally, we found the venue at about 8:30pm. We made it just in time to see New Found Glory and then Fall Out Boy. Our seats were in the very last row in the highest level of seating. The guy next to me kept yelling "Fuck me, Pete Wentz!"

It was probably one of the funnest concerts I've ever been to.

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