Saturday, February 26, 2011

30 Day Photo Challenge: Day 1

An homage to fads.

I have been noticing on facebook lately that a lot of people keep posting pictures with labels like "Day 3" and some enticing description about their picture that makes me click on it. I normally don't like being one of those people who upload like 60 pictures a day and begging people to comment on them (omg, I'm SOOOOO bored. Leave me some commentz ftw), but I looked into this 30 Day Picture Challenge thingy and it doesn't sound so terrible. However, I have to admit I have a mild touch of facebook fever (if you don't know what this is please see: It is a real affliction.) so I have decided to post my pictures and their subsequent stories on here. So yeah, here is the beginning of my 30 Day Photo Challenge.

Day 1: A picture of yourself with fifteen facts.
  1. I have an unhealthy relationship with cats. Not in an a disturbing sexual way. More like I think about cats a lot, hang out with cats a lot, find every cat video on youtube hilarious regardless of comedy content, have on my most visited websites get the idea.
  2. I say "I know" when I actually don't; I have tried very hard to stop it, but have thus far made no progress.
  3. I consider changing my major from biology to chemistry everyday and then talk myself out of it when I think about the misery I would endure by having to take more math. I really don't think my sanity could handle it.
  4. My favorite play is Hamlet. Yes, I am aware of the incredible lameness of this fact, but I cannot help myself.
  5. In middle school, I was what could be considered "hopeless" when it came to dressing and doing my hair. We're talking seriously bad. I think I have destroyed the majority of the pictures of myself from the 6th grade because they make me unspeakably embarrassed.
  6. I spend the majority of my time avoiding work until the little things I have to do pile up. I then spend two whole days doing them while I bitch about how "I don't have time for this!"
  7. If I had to, I am quite sure that I could survive entirely on flaming hot cheetos and avocado and cheese omelettes.
  8. I am addicted to Words with Friends.
  9. I would like to go to Cosplay one year with an awesome homemade costume so I can be queen of the nerds.
  10. I would like to learn how to sew so I can one day make my own wedding dress. People continually tell me this is a horrible idea.
  11. Whenever I have to speak with one of my professors in a one on one situation I become inexplicably nervous and begin babbling like a moron. This has led my calculus teacher to perceive me as "dingie." He no longer calls on me in class since our odd encounter.
  12. I make jokes nobody except me gets.
  13. It takes me forever to tell a story in person. I feel this is why the majority of my friends text me rather than call or email me. I really do need a 150 character limit.
  14. I love science fiction movies and books because I have always wanted to go into space. Not like as an astronaut, but like a cool future person who visits Mars on the weekend or pilots space freighters. That's right--space freighters.
  15. I like almost every genre of music, especially metal and progressive rock, except for country.


  1. If you're gunna do a daily thing, why not just get a Dailybooth account? lol they do 30 day challenges on there all the time, plus more likely to get feedbacks. Then you can follow me on there and I can follow you! ;)

  2. O rly? I don't have much experience with Dailybooth, but if I can undig myself out of my grave of Zoology work, I will definitely check it out. I need 30 Days to keep myself motivated during school, lol.
