Thursday, June 9, 2011

Yes, the blog actually exists.

Someone told me that they couldn't find this page anymore. I find this strange because I am writing in it. But, whatever, this page is here; all is right with the world.
On another note...
Oh, god--I can't tell you how much this picture makes me laugh. Oh, Light, you are by far my favorite homicidal maniac. Death Note has never made writing or murdering look so fun.


Because the acoustic version of this song is beautiful.  
Provehito in Altum: Nero

"Ah, good to see you have arrived, Commander Halston. I was beginning to worry about you."

Nero fell into step with the Admiral with some effort. He had traveled for nearly three days straight to reach Sanctum. The terrestrial gravity seemed suffocating compared to that of The Eos, making his movements sluggish and imprecise. The bright fluorescent light beat down on him, making him perspire fiercely, his body's natural reflex to keep from drying out.

He never understood why Central had decided to place their command headquarters on Earth. It was crowded and overrun; everywhere there was the smell and haze of industry, years of pollution now integrated into the atmosphere as seamlessly as though it were a naturally occurring compound. Even inside Sanctum, the brilliantly constructed world within a world Central had designed to house all active duty servicemen, Nero could not shake the feeling of encroachment.

"Good morning, Admiral. I hope that my tardy arrival has not caused you any inconvenience; we encountered some engine trouble around Deimos."

The Admiral smiled at Nero's formal tone; they had been acquainted since his birth and yet he still insisted on standing on decorum. "The Eos giving you trouble, eh? I suppose it is a good thing she is being retired this year; she must be nearly as old as you are, Nero."

"Nearly, Sir," Nero said, a smile spreading across his face.

"Did you know that The Eos was the first ship to be christened in your father's fleet? He was so excited to have such a modern ship under his command; he never let any of us forget that it was his ship. He used to call it the gem of his fleet."

"Yes, he has mentioned that fact to me once or twice in the past," he responded flatly. "It would seem that this diamond has lost its luster." It must have for him to relegate it to the inner ring for his son to command.

"You are so like him sometimes; both of you are prone to grandiose and extravagant wordplay."

"Forgive me, Admiral, but I'm sure you didn't call me all the way here to comment on my wit. My duties are back on Ganymede, so, if you wouldn't mind, I would like to keep this brief," he said coldly.

"To the point as always, Nero," he said dryly, unmoved by the younger man's impudent and snotty remark.

Nero squinted as they entered the artificial light of the solarium; the radiance the harsh fluorescents attempted to recreate had not been felt on the surface of the planet for nearly four thousand years, making it difficult for those who did not call Sanctum home to adjust their eyes to the brilliance. To Nero, who had spent the better part of his life in the far reaches of the inner ring, it felt as though he were being blinded.

The solarium was a vast circular room encased by large glass monitors; to heighten the illusion of a natural existence, the massive dome constantly projected the image of a sunny sky. A complex network of ducts and air conditioning systems generated the gentle spring breeze that currently blew through Nero's hair. The room itself consisted of nothing more than an open expanse of garden, carefully manicured and designed to feel and look like a carefree and open meadow.

"Please, sit down," the Admiral said, motioning to one of several garden tables placed along the edge of the clearing.

Nero seated himself somewhat clumsily in the small chair, his formal uniform far too bulky and opulent for comfortable movement. Why Central insisted on adding capes to high ranking officer's uniforms, he would never understand.

"I will save you the speech about your excellent record of service and fine military lineage and skip to the part you will care about: you're being promoted."

"Under whose recommendation?" Nero asked incredulously.

"Your commanding officer, of course. Who else? You've been reassigned to Origin."

"Fleet Admiral Halston recommended me for advancement? Are you sure he wasn't drunk when you spoke to him last, Admiral?"

"No, Nero; he seemed completely lucid," he answered, laughing at Nero's cynicism.

"When does my promotion take effect?"

"Now; you are to deliver The Eos and all of her men to Origin as soon as possible. There is talk of war in the Eastern colonies. Your father fears, as does Central, that the sentiment will spread westward. It'll be your job to see that none of the mines are taken back."

Nero leaned back in his chair, the shock of his promotion still setting in. He leaned his head back and closed his eyes, rubbing his neck idly. His fingers probed the seven light pink scars on either side of his pharynx, their texture oddly smooth compared to the rest of his skin. He could feel his pulse thud as he let his hands rest around his neck, covering his deformity.

"I see your surgery has taken well," the Admiral commented. "Has the adjustment been difficult for you?"

"I cannot say it has been easy, but I am learning to live with it."

"It must be considerably easier not having to wear those damnable high collared shirts all the time. I can't imagine it comfortable to feel as though you were being strangled all the time."

"There is no difference for that is how I feel now, Admiral."

The two sat in awkward silence for a few moments, neither sure of how to proceed.

"Your father must be pleased with your progress," the Admiral said lightly. "He has wanted this for you for a long time now."

"Yes, he is." Now I am truly made in his image.

"But I am sure this has not influenced his decision to promote you. Regardless of your birth, you've done extraordinary things during your short career."

"Yes, regardless of my birth," Nero repeated sourly. "It is truly amazing that I have overcome the handicap of my DNA."

"Nero, I didn't mean it that way," the Admiral sputtered. "You should know better than anyone that I thought of your mother as one of us. I never saw her as anything but human."

"How kind of you," he replied coldly, his voice shaking with the strain of keeping his rage from coloring his speech. "Thank you for delivering the news to me; I trust that my father was far too busy to pass it on himself. " He rose, saluted the Admiral, turned toward the exit and stalked away to the dock.

"You're acting like a petulant child, Nero; you should be happy you've come this far. It's more than most humanoid life-forms ever accomplish," the Admiral called to him as the exit bay doors slid shut.

His boots thudded heavily against the metal flooring of the entry hallway as he stormed his way to The Eos. His heart pounded against his ribs, his blood surging painfully through him like an acidic poison. His chest rose and fell rapidly as his undersized lungs tried in vain to keep up with his rampaging heart. He was ready to be free of this wretched place; he may have been born here, but it was far from his home. He longed for the oblivion of space, for that unending, infinite darkness.

That's all I'll ever be to them, he thought bitterly. No matter how high my rank; no matter how much I look like them—I will always be half of what they are, just a shadow of my father's greatness.

He pounded his fist against the wall and sank to the ground, unable to breathe properly. His hands shot to his neck instinctively, clawing furiously at the tiny pink scars. They're gone, they're gone, he reminded himself. Use your lungs now. He opened his mouth awkwardly and gulped in the dry, filtered air. It stuck in the back of his throat like thorns, but his feeble lungs filled and soon the panic left his body.

He held his head in his hands, his mind a tangle web of indiscernible hatred, and tried to catch his breath. Using his lungs to breathe was still a strange and new experience for him; using them to breathe oxygen was doubly so. His body was simply not made for such an atmosphere as the one he had been born in; it was in this way that he took after his mother. In all other ways that mattered, he was now the mirror image of his father—only 30 years younger.

They shared the same dark hair and eyes which had been passed down for generations in the Halston family. The fair skin of his European ancestors was still present in him despite his mother's rich olive tone; it was also free of any distinguishable markings on his face and arms. As long as no one could see them, they didn't exist. His posture, despite his ignominious birth, was regal and proud; he refused to bow down to any master. Well, except to those who outranked him.

Still shaking, Nero pushed himself to his feet, his knees nearly buckling under his own weight. He clutched his hand, now throbbing from the pain of his foolish and rash outburst. He never felt more like his father when he did something moronic and this time was no exception. Miserably, he continued forward to the docking station.

It was mercifully vacant except for the hanger guards. As soon as they saw his uniform, they allowed him access to The Eos without question. He could feel their eyes bore into him as he walked passed; he was used to the stares by now. Defiantly, he pulled back his long hair from his neck and tied it into a loose ponytail, making his scars plainly evident.

"Did you get a close enough look, gentlemen, or should I stop to let you inspect me?" he asked calmly as he stalked passed them. "If you are lucky, maybe I'll even let you feel where they cut off my operculum. McMahon, lower the gangplank; prepare for immediate departure," he said, pressing the surgically implanted communicator at the base of his ear, standard issue for all high ranking officers.

"Yes, Captain Halston. We've all just heard the news, Sir; congratulations," the lieutenant said softly. "You'll make an excellent captain."

A small stair way descended from the underbelly of the massive ship. As Nero clumsily ascended the undersized walkway, his body contorting awkwardly to fit up the narrow passage, he couldn't help but overhear the guards talking about him.

"What a freak. No wonder Fleet Admiral Halston kept him buried out on Ganymede for the past two years. I wouldn't want to claim him as mine either."

"Yeah, well, it's not like he didn't know what he was in for when he bred with that thing. Titan humanoid birth deformities were well documented by the time his son was born."

"Do you really think he expected him to be a lungfish?"

Their laughter echoed off the walls of hanger, amplifying their voices to unnatural levels. Nero felt as though it were coming from inside him, buried somewhere deep inside the recesses of his brain. He relished it, for their cruelty, their lack of understanding was of a primordial nature.

As he proudly strode the cramped walkways of his vessel, a little smile pulled at the corners of his lips. It was here, among the soft buzz of electricity and the hum of the engines, that he was at peace. It was his lullaby, the gentle kiss goodnight that averted his passions and eased his blood. Here he was just another solider. This was the one place in the entire universe he didn't have to lie about who he really was; here no one was human.

Extra cool points to you if you didn't have to google the word operculum.

Friday, May 20, 2011


So it's been awhile since my last post on here. I stopped doing that 30 day photo challenge because it got annoying to a lot of people on Facebook, including me. Since then, I've been so busy with school I haven't really had much time to do anything but freak out about school. Thank baby Jesus that there is only one week left and I really only have 1 final.

Anyway, I've been writing a lot lately. Mostly stupid and fluffy things, but that is besides the point. I'm not posting that junk on here; if you want to read it, find my deviantart account. :) But, I will be posting some new stuff I've written on here--starting now!

I wrote this last night after finding this picture on deviantart. I already had the character in my head because I had been planning on doing this project in the summer. This picture was just too perfect/inspiring for me to not start writing immediately. Anyway, here is the picture.

Awesome, right? You can check out the original here---->link. There's a whole series of zodiac on eyes and they are all equally breath taking. Anyway, here is a little information about what I actually want to do with the summer undertaking.

It's basically a series of interconnecting stories set in space. All stories/chapters are based off of/inspired by 30 Seconds to Mars songs; everything they sing about reminds me of space, which probably why I like them so much. I normally don't do a lot of sci-fi stuff, so this is a real departure for me. It's been fun so far, so I guess it's fair to say that I'm excited to write the subsequent chapters. 

So, yeah, here's the first chapter. It's called Capricorn and was based off the 30STM song "Capricorn (A Brand New Name)." Give it a listen below.  FUN FACT: this was the first time I realized that Jared Leto was, in fact, gorgeous. How are you 40, Jared Leto? HOW!?

Provehito in Altum: Capricorn 

"Where you headed, girl?" he grumbled as she climbed into the cramped cabin.

"As far as you can take me," she said curtly. She had no time for pleasant formalities. "Quickly."

He liked her instantly; after several months of solitude, a female form was a welcome break from the oblivion of empty space. He would have found her beautiful even if she wasn't the first real female companion he had had in months. She was young, no older than twenty at the most. Her skin was bone pale, no doubt the product of living in the darkness of space, and flawlessly smooth. Her hair was long and raven-colored, just like the infinite horizon he spent his days gazing into. It elegantly framed the high, rounded cheek bones of her heart shaped face.

He was fascinated by her eyes the most. They were orbs of pure jade so clear and vibrant they seemed to glow with inner electricity. He could stare at them for hours; when he gazed into them, he felt as though he were staring into the infinite deep in a way he never felt before. They put all of her other exquisite features to shame. Even her soft petal-pink lips, which she was nervously chewing, were of no comparison.  

"It's rare I get any hitcher's out here, especially women. Where do you call home?" he asked, attempting to make conversation with this beautiful mystery woman. He idly pushed a few buttons on his touch panel, making the tiny freighter ship vibrate and jolt to life.

She pressed her face to the small portal window and watched as the rocky terrain of the small planet disappeared and blurred beneath her. She exhaled heavily and fell back into the stained seat cushions of her chair. She feared that she was going to die on that miserable little rock.

"I'm from nowhere," she said coldly.

"Oh?" he asked curiously. "You just drifting with the winds then?"

She closed her eyes in exasperation. Her savior was far too chatty for her tastes, but he would have to suffice. "Could we just not talk? I've had a very hard day," she grumbled.

"Sure," he responded, somewhat dismayed over her cold demeanor.

She rested her head against the little window, enjoying the vibrations of the tiny ship as it sped off into the void. Her stomach lurched and rolled tumultuously, still unsettled from her last meal. She winced as the man put his hand on the center control panel, irritated by his proximity to her. She shifted uncomfortable in her chair, positioning her body so that it pointed away from him.

Keep calm, Arinda, she thought frantically. You are still full from your last meal. You need no other nourishment. She could feel the familiar pain, the denied yearning of years of imprisonment, burn in the back of her throat. Not here, not yet. You can make it through this. She felt little beads of sweat forming along her hair line and her breathing had become shallow.

"Are you hot?" he asked, disbelief written plainly on his face. "I don't think I've ever heard of anyone getting hot out here."

He reached over her, making her almost leap out of her skin, and manipulated a few button on the control panel. Cool air began filling the tiny cabin and she was immensely glad of it; it scattered the stale, pungent scent of the man that clung to everything in the small enclosure. 

"Thank you," she said flatly.

He eyed her curiously as she pulled the leather jacket she wore off. Her body was thin and elegant even beneath the several layers of dark, insulating fabric she wore. She twisted her fingers together rapidly as she lied with her eyes closed. She seemed to be focusing so intently on something; the pouty look on her face drove him wild.

She gnawed on her bottom lip, making it swell as blood rushed to it. Her face was screwed up with intense concentration, a look of serene frustration shaping the gentle sinews of her face. The twisting of her fingers sped up in a frantic pace; her chest heaved rhythmically as she gasped for breath. In his mind, she was a virginal creature, writhing with its first taste of pleasure. 

"Where is the closest place you can drop me?" she groaned through clenched teeth. She could feel the charges gathering in her fingers as she manically twisted and rubbed them together. Just a little long; just hold on a little longer.

"Well, we've just passed the last terrestrial planet a whole back. There are a few rest docks coming up soon. At these speeds, we should be there in about an hour or so."

Her eyes snapped open. "An hour?" she repeated incredulously. "There isn't anywhere closer?"

"I'm afraid not. Out here, things are pretty sparse. What's a matter? Earlier you wanted to go as far as I could take and now you can't wait an hour? Is my company really so unpleasant?"

"No," she answered, her voice shaking with strain. "I don't like small spaces. I feel like I'm locked in a cage."

He smiled wryly at her. "Why would anyone want to lock away that beautiful face of yours?"

She glanced at him from the corner of her eyes. Disgusting, she thought sourly as she took in his appearance for the time. He was a fluid-filled sack, bound in layers of subcutaneous blubber and meat. Layers of dull and dead keratin covered him, almost devoid of pigmentation from his extend stay in darkness. He was small and limp, like a creature you would find in the deep recesses of an ancient sea.

She recognized his species immediately as she took in his dull brown eyes. She felt as though she were looking into the eyes of a corpse; no fire, no pulse, no thought--just an empty vessel. Human, she thought dully. Just my luck. There will be no challenge in this at all.

"You asked me a question about my home earlier," she said sweetly, playing into the man's loneliness and adoration for her. "Do you still want to know?"

"Sure. I love hearing about the lives of the people I pick up."

She placed her nervously twisting hand in her lap gently and took a deep breath. "I am from a planet very far away from the one you call home. Earth, right?"

He nodded his head and smiled. "Damn; I could have sworn you were from Earth. You have a distinctly human shape to you."

"Life on our planets share several evolutionary similarities. We are much the same species in numerous ways.

"My planet is dying. Many of my people abandoned it long ago; I do not know how many of us remain there today or if it is even viable still. When I left, the core was still glowing, but I can feel it in me now...the uncertainty. I'm sure that if it is still there, it hasn't much time left," she said quietly, letting a few crystalline tears drip from her eyes.

"I'm sorry, girl--I don't know you name," he said awkwardly.

"I am called Arinda," she said dully.

"Arinda," he repeated. "That's a lovely name. I'm Michael; I'm sorry about your home, Arinda."

She felt him clap his meaty hand down on her shoulder. She fought the urge to push it away and instead placed her own delicate hand on his. His field was weak, just like all of his mundane species, but it made her mouth water. The burning in her throat was agonizing; she could think only of quenching it.

"Michael," she said softly.  "I've been alone out here for so long. You're the first person to show me any kindness. I think if I hadn't met you, I would have died on that miserable little planet." She took his face in her hands, holding him in those hauntingly deep eyes. "Can you take care of me?"

She felt his clumsy hand slide down her shoulder and grasp her breast awkwardly. She felt her stomach churn in utter disgust at the forward advances of this lesser being. But she smiled up at him with soft and warm eyes; she had already won.

Gingerly, she placed her hand on top of his heart, feeling the steady pulse in her palm. She savored in the feeling of her body charging itself slightly as she drew on the electricity emanating from his skin. Michael began to feel his body weaken, his hand no longer able to massage her nubile body. She pushed him off her with contempt. 

Before he knew what was happening, she had him on his back on the floor. She stood over him like a stalking tiger, her hand outstretched in front of her, hovering feet above his heart. She smiled as she felt herself made well even by this miniscule amount of energy.

" are all same. So trusting, so comfortable in you superiority as a species. Do you know what you are to me? Nothing more than a network of electrical energy, wrapped inside a weak electrical field. But, I do suppose I owe you a thank you; the last human I ate was much smaller than you. I was getting pretty weak from hunger.

"It's unfortunate, really, that Central built my prison so far from everything. I normally don't have to resort to this kind of feeding. I can usually take my power from a generator or a battery--sometimes even from a planet. I was planning on feeding when we landed, but you we're just too big of a temptation for me. Besides, once I dispose of you, I'll have my own ship," she said brightly. 

He sputtered feebly, but was unable to form any discernable words. He could feel his heart beat wildly and sporadically inside his chest. His thoughts were becoming foggy and his muscles began to contract on their own as she fed on his electricity. All the time as she drained the life from him, he held her gaze, watching in horror as he saw his inner light fill her eyes. As his lungs captured his last breath, he saw her licking her fingers as though she had just ate a juicy piece of meat.  

As she watched what weak and dull light his eyes had leave them, she stretched out her stiff muscles. The little cabin seemed much larger already with him out of the way. Lazily, she put the little ship on autopilot and set about the arduous task of disposing of his body. She sighed, realizing that at the speed she was currently traveling she couldn't dump him into space.

She bent down and grabbed the corpse by the arms and drug him to the back of the small ship. Her stomach rolled as the stench of decaying flesh burnt her nostrils. Hastily, she covered him the best she could with the scraps of cardboard and plastic she found lying on the ground from his past freight runs. Satisfied with her temporary placement of the body, Arinda strolled about the ship's interior.

It was dark and crowded with a low ceiling. Its previous own likely had to hunch over to fit through the passage ways. There were only four chambers to it entirely: the deck, the cargo space, which was by far the largest, the engine room, and the rest quarters. She groaned as she inhaled yet another wave of the previous owner's scent on her bed sheets. When she landed, she was going to have to gut the ship of its furnishings just to make traveling bearable. 

As she lied on the tiny bed, her eyes explored the dimly lit room. A few posters were tacked to the walls of women in various suggestive poses. Several receipts for snack foods littered the floor like dried leaves. What a glorious and meaningful existence, she thought sarcastically. She put her arms behind her head idly as she stared at the ceiling, reflecting on everything that had come to happen that day to lead up to her escape.

But she was not truly free; she still bore the shackles of her birthname. She closed her eyes as she tried to conjure up a suitable new name for herself. After several minutes of fruitless reflection, she rolled on to her side. She picked up her pillow and fluffed it, perhaps more aggressively than necessary. As she laid her head back down, the stubborn hard spot still remained. Annoyed, she reached her hand into the case and pulled out a little book with a yellow cover.

Complete Astrological Profile for Capricorns. You've got to be kidding me. She held the book in the feeble light and leafed through it idly. "Capricorn," she out loud to herself as she studied the picture of a goat climbing an impossibly steep mountain. It should have just given up and settled for having reached the heights it did. Instead, it labored forward, never losing sight of its true goal. 

She smiled to herself as she tossed the book aside, feeling herself born anew. The weak starlight filtered through her small window, bathing her like the pure waters of a christening. Here, as the cosmos as her witness, was she given the name of Capricorn.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Day 5: A picture of your favorite memory


I think it almost impossible to pick just one favorite memory. But, this one is by far a contender.

This was taken at the end of August 2006. Erinn and I are at the Arco Arena seeing Taking Back Sunday, Angels and Airwaves, Head Automatica and The Subways. This is not how the day started out.

I had planned on going to see this concert with my friend Nikki. I offered to give her a ride to the concert since I was going to be in Sacramento that day to drop off my buddy Curtis at the airport. Well, some wires got crossed and Nikki's cell didn't ring, so when we showed up at her house, no one was there. Majorly bummed, I convinced my mom to buy Erinn a ticket so we could still go to the concert.

As it was, Erinn had this guy from Stockton up to visit here. It turned out she found him kind of boring and odd and was generally not enjoying having him around. So this was also an opportunity for her to send him on his way home by saying that we were going to drop him off at the bus station (I know, we weren't the nicest about this kid. I still feel bad about it).

After all the hustling, we barely made it to the airport in time to drop off Curtis. After we said our good-byes, we dropped off the other kid at the bus station (which was honestly one of the most ghetto places I've ever seen). We checked into our motel and got dressed for our concert. My mom, who was after a series of stressful things and bratty behavior, on her last nerve so she had us take a cab to the arena about three to four hours before the concert started

We get in the cab, which the air conditioning vents have been gutted out of, and our driver starts saying some weird and random things--mainly: "Figure out what you wanna do with your life." This should have been an indicator of what kind of ride it was going to be, but I just smiled and laughed like "WTF?" It was at this point that we realized he was on his cell phone and was not talking to us.

As we began speeding down the high way (literally speeding--like 80+ speeding in a rickety cab with no air conditioning), he began to yell louder and louder as we drove along. It became apparent that he was breaking up with his girlfriend when he said, "Bitch--Imma do me and you-a do you." When he hung up, I distinctly remember exhaling. He then proceeded to tell us things like, "Bitch was getting possessive" and "One woman just ain't enough. I got me three. One woman JUST AIN'T ENOUGH! You know what I mean?" After which he called his other girlfriends to fight with them too.

We didn't know what he meant.

Against all odds, we made it there alive. I gave him 40 dollars because I didn't want to ask him for change. As it was, he dropped us off about a mile from the actual arena so we had to walk the rest of the way. It was literally 112 degrees out that day, so by the time we got there, we were drenched in sweat and dehydrated. We proceeded to sit in the line for like 2 hours in the sun. I could feel myself baking. When we finally got into the air conditioning, it was one of the most refreshing feeling I have ever experienced to this day.

This is when we took this picture. After nearly dying of dehydration and heat stroke and having a mildly terrifying experience. This is one of my favorite memories because a) my best friends was there to witness it and b) as awful as it was, I still remember laughing like a banshee as we waited in line when I thought about what I was gonna do with my life

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Day 4: A picture of your favorite night


If you couldn't tell, this was taken at Pier 39 in San Francisco. What you obviously can't tell is that this was taken in January of 2007 and that prior to snapping the picture I was doing a very fancy dance which, at the time, Ryan still found "cute." Ah, the innocence of youth. Anyway, we were in San Francisco that day because that Christmas I had received a lot of concert tickets as a gift from my mom. On this occasion, we were going to see Fall Out Boy.

That meant a lot in 2007, because Fall Out Boy had just become ridiculously popular due to "From Under the Cork Tree" and "Infinity on High." I was quite excited because I had liked FOB for a long time before this and I had never been able to see them live before.

We went to SF early that day and played around at the Pier for a while. We tried on silly hats and watched the sea lions roll around like big blubber balls. We took this one picture right as we were leaving.

We got in the car and promptly got lost for the next two hours. We called everyone we knew trying to figure out where the hell we were and how to get back to Market Street. Finally, we found the venue at about 8:30pm. We made it just in time to see New Found Glory and then Fall Out Boy. Our seats were in the very last row in the highest level of seating. The guy next to me kept yelling "Fuck me, Pete Wentz!"

It was probably one of the funnest concerts I've ever been to.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Day 3: A picture of the cast from your favorite show

True Blood

True Blood is not exactly the most high brow piece about vampires to ever be created, but I must admit it is the most entertaining. Plus, it is gratuitously sexy and violent. Basically everything I look for in a television show.

Also, Alexander Skarsgard (there is nothing else I really need to say).

Here are the close contenders for my favorite shows (it was very hard for me to pick).


Bleach is one of my favorite animes. It's like an adult version of Dragon Ball Z except it doesn't suck.

Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood

I seriously doubt many of you know this version of the show (or the other one for that matter), but it is so much better than the original FMA (which was awesome in so many ways). It's mature yet light hearted with a lot more brutality and depth than the first anime. I think everyone should check it out.

Yes. I do watch a lot of cartoons (sometimes in Japanese). I blame the schools.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Day 2: A picture of you and the person you have been close with the longest.


Technically this is a picture of the two people I have been the closest with the longest. Here is some information about both of them.

  • We met in the second grade in the lunch line. When I heard her name on the roll list, I thought she was a boy because at the time I didn't know any female Erinn's (or Aaron as I thought it was). We shared animals crackers. We were then inseparable for a long stint of time (second grade through high school--like 10 or something years). We live in different places now, so we don't see each other as often as we'd like. However, when we are in the same place we still hang out like we did when we were little (minus the jump roping, four square, and accelerated reader program). I would say she is my best friend, but that is incorrect; she is more like the sister I never knew I wanted.
  • I'm quite sure that he hates this picture, but whatever. When I first met Ryan, at the Grudge 2 (which was terrible), I knew instantly that "he (was) going to make waves in my life." (I really though exactly that).He has, in so many ways. I wake up next to him everyday and it makes me stupid happy. Some days, when I look at him, I hear this song in my head (and just to be clear, I really am not a Justin Bieber fan; Ryan likely doesn't even know who Justin Bieber is).
  • Mostly this song though. This was playing when I first realized I lesbians him.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

30 Day Photo Challenge: Day 1

An homage to fads.

I have been noticing on facebook lately that a lot of people keep posting pictures with labels like "Day 3" and some enticing description about their picture that makes me click on it. I normally don't like being one of those people who upload like 60 pictures a day and begging people to comment on them (omg, I'm SOOOOO bored. Leave me some commentz ftw), but I looked into this 30 Day Picture Challenge thingy and it doesn't sound so terrible. However, I have to admit I have a mild touch of facebook fever (if you don't know what this is please see: It is a real affliction.) so I have decided to post my pictures and their subsequent stories on here. So yeah, here is the beginning of my 30 Day Photo Challenge.

Day 1: A picture of yourself with fifteen facts.
  1. I have an unhealthy relationship with cats. Not in an a disturbing sexual way. More like I think about cats a lot, hang out with cats a lot, find every cat video on youtube hilarious regardless of comedy content, have on my most visited websites get the idea.
  2. I say "I know" when I actually don't; I have tried very hard to stop it, but have thus far made no progress.
  3. I consider changing my major from biology to chemistry everyday and then talk myself out of it when I think about the misery I would endure by having to take more math. I really don't think my sanity could handle it.
  4. My favorite play is Hamlet. Yes, I am aware of the incredible lameness of this fact, but I cannot help myself.
  5. In middle school, I was what could be considered "hopeless" when it came to dressing and doing my hair. We're talking seriously bad. I think I have destroyed the majority of the pictures of myself from the 6th grade because they make me unspeakably embarrassed.
  6. I spend the majority of my time avoiding work until the little things I have to do pile up. I then spend two whole days doing them while I bitch about how "I don't have time for this!"
  7. If I had to, I am quite sure that I could survive entirely on flaming hot cheetos and avocado and cheese omelettes.
  8. I am addicted to Words with Friends.
  9. I would like to go to Cosplay one year with an awesome homemade costume so I can be queen of the nerds.
  10. I would like to learn how to sew so I can one day make my own wedding dress. People continually tell me this is a horrible idea.
  11. Whenever I have to speak with one of my professors in a one on one situation I become inexplicably nervous and begin babbling like a moron. This has led my calculus teacher to perceive me as "dingie." He no longer calls on me in class since our odd encounter.
  12. I make jokes nobody except me gets.
  13. It takes me forever to tell a story in person. I feel this is why the majority of my friends text me rather than call or email me. I really do need a 150 character limit.
  14. I love science fiction movies and books because I have always wanted to go into space. Not like as an astronaut, but like a cool future person who visits Mars on the weekend or pilots space freighters. That's right--space freighters.
  15. I like almost every genre of music, especially metal and progressive rock, except for country.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

It has been exactly one month since my last blog post. I know, I am extremely neglectful of this poor little blog. Especially considering that in the month since I have last posted, I have done approximately nothing (unless you count watching Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood as something productive, which, sadly, society doesn't).

I'm so lazy I barely have the motivation to wash my clothes. I still haven't gotten around to it for this week (and it is Wednesday). I keep rationalizing my laziness by telling myself "How will anyone know if it's dirty if there are no stain and it doesn't smell? Really, I'm conserving water. I should be given some sort of recognition for being so eco-friendly."

Showers have also become a taxing labor, as I have to choose every morning between sleeping an extra 30 minutes or washing my hair. We all know that college students need more naps than toddlers, so I almost always want the extra 30 minutes. Being female, however, makes it extremely ridiculously hard for me to not wash my hair everyday. It is a good thing I don't have any dry shampoo. If I did, it is entirely possible that I would bathe only when people started avoiding me.

If you didn't know, school has started again for me and, just like last semester, I find myself feeling more and more zombified every day. All I want to do is eat flaming hot Cheeto's and sleep (also not considered productive). I have many things to say about the semester thus far, but I don't have the energy for that right now.

Tangent in 5....4....3...2...1!

I have to laugh at this, mainly so I don't feel any more moronic than I already do. On Friday, I have to wake up at 5 am (it exists?!) so I can get to Calculus by 8:30. First off, why would anyone in the history of academics think putting a class so early in the morning could possibly lead to anything good? Anyway, I stumble out to my car around 5:15 as it takes me about three times as long to find my keys in complete darkness. It is very cold and dark outside and unnervingly quiet. I clunk across the porch and begin climbing the gentle incline up to my car. As I am about half way up the hill, there is a rustling in the bushes.

As my mind begins to do cartwheels and replay everything I know about serial killers and I feel certain death is near, a peacock emerges, walks over to me, and squawks "Heeelp" and scampers off to do whatever it is peacocks do (I do not literally mean the peacock said "Help." This is what they sound like when they squawk). I giggle to myself over my active imagination. I continue up the hill. I step in a pile of frozen leaves and instead of just going with gravity and falling forward (the direction I was walking) I decide to wrench my body around so that I fall on my stomach and slide to the bottom of the hill.

Once again, nature has proven it hates me. I am lulled into a false sense of security by the lack of a serial killer only to be defeated by a pile of frosty leaves. My road rash may be healing, but my distrust of nature will never fade.

Wish me luck at the ocean tomorrow.

Peacock up close Pictures, Images and Photos

O rly? You want to go this way? You better send your friends for heeeelp.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Year's Resolution

Well, it's that darling time of year again. The one wonderous week where everyone is on their best behavior because they have made some vague promises to themselves. I believe these things are "New Year's Resolutions." They are a nice thought. I like to wave good bye to them as they inevitably fall behind me during my journey through the year. I think on them fondly, especially when I break one, always vowing to get back on track tomorrow.

In the spirit of the season, I've decided to take part in this New Year tradition. Below is a list of my resolutions for 2011. See if we share any; maybe we can keep each other on track, or, at the very least, put the off until tomorrow with each other until December 31st.

Allie's Resolutions 2011
  • To finish at least one story that I have been working on.
  • To go to bed on time for school so I don't wake up feeling like I've just gone a bender and am now being forced to fill out DMV forms all day long.
  • To make memories with old friends and new friends before I am too busy to have a life.
  • To study o-chem for the coming year.
  • To keep my new fish alive for longer the four months (miss you, Oro. I am sorry I killed you)
  • To relax a little more and enjoy the little things without worrying about being on schedule

These are all I can think of right now. I'm congested and have cold brain, so thinking is extremely difficult today anyway. Wish us both luck on keeping our resolutions. Let's have a classy 2011.