Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Bunnies: Beware

a bonus post from Suki

Today on the way down my street, I saw a bunny hopping along side the road. Knowing that rabbits are extremely panicky around cars, I stopped to let it hop across the road. Proving that rabbits are stupid, this bunny, rather than hopping across the empty road, charged straight into the driver's side door and fell down.

Being a sucker, I opened my door (very slowly so I didn't bop it again) to see if it was okay. As I opened the door, the rabbit popped up like a jack-in-the box; startled, I moved back covering my face, fearing the rabbit would go all Monty Python and the Holy Grail on me. The only thing I managed to do was knock over an open water bottle onto my passenger side seat.

As I said some very unladylike things to the bunny and the universe in general, I realized the rabbit was now trying to crawl across the road underneath my car. I tried scaring it by yelling at it in hopes that it would scurry away; all this did was make it run back the way it came and start over again. I'm fairly sure my door gave the bunny some sort of brain damage.

After five painfully long minutes, the rabbit emerged from the other side of my car and hopped lopsidedly away. As I drove the remaining 500 feet to my house, a butterfly flew into my windshield, committing suicide. As I swerved (slightly) to avoiding hitting the butterfly (fail), I nearly killed a rather terrified looking squirrel.

What lesson did I learn today? Rabbit are bad news. You try not kill one and it rams its dumb little head into your car and then tries to escape your car by crawling under it. If you see a lopsided hopping rabbit around, don't stop to let it pass because it just wants to try to dent up your car.

What I'm trying to say here is this: Beware the Bunnies.

1 comment:

  1. Unladylike... things?

    How... Uncharacteristic? of you?
