Saturday, July 31, 2010



I'm sorry I have been neglecting you, my dear little blog (not as much as Regina is). There is a lot of distracting things in the summer time. I'm sure you understand. You are off having adventures with all the people reading you.

Anyway, the primary reason I didn't write any blogs these last few days was a broken swamp cooler. My laptop puts out a lot of heat; with another computer in the room, the combined heat is a little sickening, plus I start sweating like a whore in church.

Thankfully, the swamp cooler has been repaired and not a moment too soon. It was getting dire up in here; taking two showers a day was really wrecking havoc on my hair, puffiness wise. It wasn't cute.

It's funny how in the summer I long for the rainy, overcast days of fall and winter. But when winter rolls around all I can do is bitch about the humidity and what it does to my hair ("WHY DO I EVEN BOTHER STRAIGHTENING IT!!!??"). I go through my rebellious phase where I where my hair in a ponytail everyday or hide it under this really hilarious ski hat (complete with little tie tassels and a pom-pom on the top); eventually I chop it all off. And then I wish it was long about a week later.

And somewhere around June, I start the cycle all over again. I tease, I iron, I heat...all verbs that imply stressing. I neglect my hair purposefully until it's so lifeless and beaten down, I have to cut off about a foot of it. And I don't even donate it to those bald cancer kids.

I'm neglectful hair...possessor? owner? Whatever. I am bad to my hair. One day, I will wake up, and my hair will have all it's possessions packed in a little bag tied to a stick and it will say "We both know this isn't working out anymore," and it will walk out on me. Forever. And I'll have to wear a wig, like that over-botoxed piece of jerky from "The Real Housewives of Atlanta."

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