Friday, July 9, 2010

Regina, Thursday.

You can't add something without taking from something else, because there is a constant amount of everything, or at least that's what I like to think. As women advance in society, suddenly we are the ones getting high test scores and baller salaries. This means men are becoming, by comparison, the underachievers; the less desirable to hire, the less desirable... period. The way this affects intergender relations is serious bussiness, people.

It used to be that women would talk themselves down. Men would have to complement our looks and cooking because we were so pathetic and insecure of our worth. Now that the trend has reversed, the media has done a 180. Most movies these days seem to feature a kickass female who puts the boys to shame, whether she is a girl, a woman, or a hamster... and unless its a hamster, she manages to look stunning no matter what goes down.

The funny thing is, we don't even have to try that hard, I don't think. It comes natural, as a woman, to want to work hard to get yours. It was harder for us to shrink back and be happy doing only a tenth of hat we were capable of. Men on the other hand used to have it easy and are now struggling. For the first time in history, male eating disorders are significantly on the rise. Men are stricken with poor self-esteem and self-image. Or are they? Could it be they are just fitting into the now vacant niche of pretending to think little of themselves?

I know some men who are fine like MMMM YEAH GIVE IT. There is no way they could not know this, they are all intelligent. They say they have bad luck with or are undesirable to women. So let's see: smart? check. hot? check. penis? check. confidence? missing. Men used to put in a day's work and come home to be fed, revered, and loved by their wives. Now when they get off work they are expected to help out with housework and kids, stay in shape, and continue to be romantic.

It's so unfair. And you know what I say?

Serves you right, bastards.

1 comment:

  1. i couldn't agree more. can i repost this? with appropriate citation and credit of course :)
