Thursday, July 22, 2010

Suki Discovers the Internet is a Dark, Scary Place Filled with Sex

Last night, still filled with bunny related rage, I decided to change my Linux wallpaper which was of the cutest rabbit.

(I know, it's ridiculously adorable.)

I thought that lemons would be a nice change. Why lemons? Because they are delicious and a very pleasant shade of yellow. But where to find the perfect lemon picture? I asked the internet deity (Google) for guidance.

In .27 seconds, I was presented with marvelous lemon pictures. The very essence of lemon was pouring out of my laptop. That was until when I checked a website (which I will not name because I'm fairly sure I'm repressing it's name) which promised me thousands of Lemons.

I'm not sure whether I could get by without the part of my brain that stores visual memory (I mean, I'm already missing some of my brain from my bout with Antonio Bandras), but I think it's worth a try. Lemon to normal people means tangy, yummy fruit. Lemon to the internet weirdies apparently means a sexual fan fiction about beloved video game and animated characters. Why lemon? Who knows. Who reads/writes lemons? I suspect lonely teenagers with a bad case of pixelitis and stupid, innocent people like me who stumble upon them looking for premium lemons (and actually want a lemon).

After reading a few lines, mentally scrubbing my mind with bleach, and stifling my boyfriend's laughter at my idiocy, I decided I couldn't pick lemons for a wallpaper. The whole thing was just too traumatic to relive every time I turned on my laptop. Feeling a bit like gravity had left the room reminded me of Inception; I decided to make the neat gravity scene my background. When I typed "Joseph Gordon Levitt Inception" into Google this is what popped up:

(This is a picture from GQ Magazine showing the versatility of ties. Right.)

All I have learned from this experience is that my web browser has safety settings. But, I doubt I will engage them because who really wants to miss out on the fun of being totally grossed/freaked out by stuff they don't want to find on the internet? Daniel Tosh wouldn't have a job anymore and I'm all about people having jobs (even unfunny people). So, let your freak flag fly, Internet, you saucy minx.

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